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Class Offerings 

Nature's Intention fitness classes will help you get fit and feel your best. Classes are taught by Trish Marfione, who is a certified Fitness Professional with over 30 years of teaching experience. The class lineup includes a mix of online classes via Zoom and on demand as well as in person private Pilates sessions. 

Online Classes Via Zoom

Muscle Conditioning

This 55 minute class focuses on resistance training of the major muscle groups using weights, balls or bands. A moderately paced workout that starts with a warm-up, strength and toning followed by a delightful stretch. It is perfect for all levels of participants with an emphasis on form. Modifications are given to work at the level that fits you. You will finish feeling strong and energized!!!!

Online Via Zoom I 55 Minutes
Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:30 A.M. I On Demand*


Full Body Move and Tone

A great full body class that works both cardio-vascular and muscle conditioning. This 55 minute class starts with a warmup followed by continuous danced based cardio designed to get you moving (Think mambas, cha cha’s and more…no dance experience necessary). Next up is alternating upper/lower body conditioning of major muscle groups. It finishes up with a cool down flexibility stretch! A house party right in your own home!

Online Via Zoom I 55 Minutes
Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:35 A.M. I On Demand*


Mat Intermediate Pilates

Online Via Zoom I 55 Minutes
Mondays at 9:30 A.M. I On Demand*


A mind body mat class based on the movement and exercises created and developed by Joseph Pilates. Pilates realigns, repatterns and balances your body. It increases strength…think core while promoting coordination, stamina, flexibility and grace. You only need your mat for this 55 minute workout. You will leave each class feeling so much better than when you started!

Online Via Zoom I 55 Minutes
Wednesdays at 9:30 A.M. I On Demand*


Pilates With Props

A 55 minute mat Pilates class using flex bands, toning balls, small playground ball, Pilates-circle, stability ball, pole or pillows. This class brings greater awareness of the periphery and balance while maintaining a mindfulness of the quality of the movements. You’ll learn to creatively blend the power of your mind with the movements of your body in a way that is efficient. As a bonus, props always make it a fun workout!

*On Demand: Can't make a class or commit to the scheduled time? No problem. Classes can be emailed to you each day so you can workout on your own time. After you book, email Trish Marfione at to setup your On Demand classes. A link to the class will be emailed following the conclusion of that day's class. 

In Person Private Pilates 

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Nature’s Intention also offers personalized in person private Pilates reformer sessions at the home studio to help you become the strongest version of yourself! It is a private, hands on Pilates experience, offering support and encouragement throughout your workout. Each session is catered to your level whether you are an elite athlete or a newbie. You will develop strength, flexibility, mobility and resilience and find yourself moving more efficiently, fluidly and powerfully in your everyday life. Pilates is for you!

Reformer Training

In Person I 55 Minutes




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